Archive for September, 2021

RAC 2021 Conference Presentation

We would like to thank everyone who joined the presentation of our initial results at the RAC 2021 virtual conference. The PDF version of the Power Point Slide deck is available below for any you wish to have another look. A video of the presentation has been posted to the Radio Amateurs of Canada YouTube channel. The direct link is here.

The Tools We Use

Since 2016, we’ve used a few differenet tools to gather and analyze the data for the is project. Some where produced by the Amateur Radio Community others we built is house.

The community tools we used were;

FLDigi beacon script

JS8call Log parsing script

The above scripts are both written in Perl which makes them platform independent. Perl can be installed on any major operating system. They have been posted as an example for others to use in creating their own scripts.